Election Day Poll Worker Role Descriptions

General Information

Poll workers help to ensure a fair and honest election at their precinct's polling location. The key to fair elections at the precinct level is having honest Judges of Elections managing the voting process on Election Day.

Poll workers are elected to specific jobs that they fill. These positions are filled during municipal elections every four years. In the case that a given position in a precinct goes unfilled (no one ran) the County Election Board will appoint someone from a list of potential election workers provided by the Republican and Democratic County Party Chairs.

It is important to know that poll workers are expected to work from about 6:30 AM until roughly 8:30 PM and are paid anywhere from $100 to $200 for the day, depending upon the county and the particular role they fill.

What is a Judge of Elections?

The Judge of Election is in charge of all Election Day activities and poll workers, including the Constable or Deputy Constable. The Judge opens and closes the polls and is responsible for the paperwork and delivering the election records and materials to the satellite station. The satellite station is typically the County Election Board office.

A Judge of Elections is the CEO and top election official at his/her assigned voting precinct. The person filling this position typically attends a one-and-a-half hour, no-charge, training session. The Judge of Elections must work the Primary and General Elections for the next (4) four years.

What is an Inspector of Elections?

There are actually two Inspectors of Elections, a Majority Inspector and a Minority Inspector. The Majority Inspector is the person who received the most votes while the Minority Inspector is the person who received the second most votes.

The Majority inspector will manage the poll books and grant Voter Ready slips to the eligible voters. The Minority Inspector appoints a Minority Clerk and signs the provisional ballot envelope. Also, the minority inspector retains a copy of the election results and the numbered list of voters which are kept in a sealed envelope for two years.

The people in these positions must work the Primary and General Elections for the next (4) four years. If you decide to “Write In” your name as a candidate, you write it in under “Inspector of Elections.” The November General Election is when the Majority and Minority Inspectors will be decided.

What is a Machine Operator?

Machine operators help check-in voters, manage the lines, ensure that machines are operational and make sure voters know where to go at each step in the voting process. Unlike the elected positions, these positions are always filled by appointment

What is a Constable?

A constable is a security person at a polling site (precinct) whose job is to preserve the peace on election days. The rest of the year, a constable may work for the courts performing judicial duties such as serving writs, warrants, bail pieces, etc. Constables serve a 6-year term. Constable elections were held in 2015. The next constable elections will take place in November 2021.

In the event no candidates seek election to constable, a qualified elector of that municipality or precinct may seek appointment by circulating a petition and collecting a minimum of ten signatures of voters registered within the municipality/precinct they reside. Vacated offices are filled by a court appointed constable until the next regularly scheduled constable election to include a full six year term if necessary.

What is a Poll Watcher?

Unlike the elected positions, poll watcher positions are always filled by appointment. To be a poll watcher, a person must be a qualified registered elector of the county in which the election district for which the watcher is to be appointed is located. Poll watchers must be identified and must receive official county credentials in advance and must be assigned to specific precincts.

Each candidate may appoint two poll watchers for each election district in which he or she appears on the ballot. Each political party and political body which has nominated candidates on the ballot may appoint three poll watchers for each election district at any general, municipal or special election in which the candidates of such party or body are on the ballot.